Holistic Plant-Based Recipes

Pranic Healing Juice

Pranic Healing Ash Gourd Juice

This detox juice recipe is very simple yet very powerful. This juice is made with one ingredient ~ Winter Melon.

Winter Melon, also known as (Ash Gourd or Petha in India) or Wax Gourd or White Gourd. Incorporating ash gourd or winter melon, into your diet is a simple way to make your body more alkaline. Ash gourd is one of the most naturally energizing foods due to its high quotient of what yogic science refers to as “prana”, or vital life energy. This juice is a powerful energy booster & hydrating juice. This juice should not be consumed more than 200ml/person, can also dilute it with water.

Ash gourd is low in calories, fat, carbs, and protein. Yet, it’s rich in vitamin, minerals, fiber and antioxidants that are believed to promote your health and help protect your body from disease.

Some of the health benefits of Winter Melon (Petha/Ash Gourd):

Friends living in North-America can find winter melon at Asian Grocery Stores.

Happy detox!



Step 1

Cut winter melon, remove the skin and seeds

Step 2

There are two ways to juice it –

Step 3

1. Using a cold-press Omega juicer – add the cut winter melon into the juicer

Step 4

2. Blender – Add the cut winter melon to a blending jar along with ¼ cup of water and blend to a smooth puree. Strain the puree and the juice is ready.

Step 5

Enjoy this fresh winter melon juice immediately.